Stream 2 Prep


I did some prep this week for doing 100% runs. This means a 2nd LiveSplit setup to include the armor and fireball powerups:

Image of the new autosplitter for 100% runs

Doing so meant getting back into Cheat Engine - which I've discussed previously - in order to identify the memory addresses needed to update the autosplitter. This was fairly straightforward, except that the fireball powerups aren't actually bit flips like everything else but rather an applied decrease to the delay between each fireball, so identifying that behaviour took a little while. Worth noting is that you can manipulate the delay beyond the 4 different powerups so you can basically just stream fireballs non-stop:

Binkley shooting a constant stream of fireyballs

Anyway, this got me thinking that my plans for the next stream (Tuesday at 8pm ET) will basically be to demo how Cheat Engine works and how to hack around a little, along with its relevance to coding an autosplitter. After that, I'll start preparing for 100% runs, maybe do some any% runs, etc.

I also might post the VOD of going over all the Cheat Engine stuff onto YouTube, depending on how that portion goes. When I was initially trying to learn how to build the autosplitter, there were some helpful-ish videos, but not a lot of them and none that were totally comprehensive. Maybe uploading my own tips about it will help someone who's trying to do something similar in the future. I'm also not sure if I'm allowed to post longer-form videos on my channel since my account is so new; I'll worry about that later though.

Should be fun!