Inaugural Post: A brain dump of questionable origins


Well, I had trouble falling asleep last night because I was thinking about Drakklor, and it was the first thing I thought about when I woke up - so I guess I've got the "obsession" item ticked off.

Actually, I was thinking about the secret hint again:

Image stating 'Secret Hint: If you only have 13 coins, do a Shift in February'.

It did cross my mind that I could try to contact the game's author - he doesn't have much of an online presence but there are some tracks including a LinkedIn. I think I should probably try to solve it myself first though. Obviously, have 13 coins, then figure out what "do a Shift in February" means. Translating February into a construct within the game is difficult. It's the second month, so do something in the second level? Or maybe some part of the map will resemble a calendar, and something has to be done in the second slot? Shift is the key that rotates Binkley, but I suppose it could be something less obvious like "shifting" boulders around?

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.

A Status Update

On a whim on my last staycation (a few months ago), I played through Drakklor. I would say a month ago or so, I had this idea of trying to speedrun it. About two weeks ago I actually started to consider it seriously, and figured I'd start on the project expecting to lose interest and move on.

That hasn't happened. In the interim, while developing this site and doing other prep, I've had a lot of thoughts going in various directions. Also, I've been playing the game a bit, of course.

Actually, I've been playing it more than I planned to do before launching this site. As I'm writing this, I'm kind of stopping myself from playing to get this done, while at the same time listening to the bread machine whirr away since I feel like I should do something non-Drakklor related today.

Initially, I thought I would start slow by only doing runs of a small portion at the start of the game, but playing it recently I think I'll start with full runs. I've already got a rough strategy in my mind, and I'm thinking the game may be a little more linear than I thought initially (as far as optimal speedrun strats go) - but we'll see.

I've also started making full reference screenshots of each levels, but it's kind of a pain:

Map of Drakklor's first level

Here's the ones I've done so far:

Map of Drakklor's last level

I think there's 11 total: 8 proper levels each with a key, 2 hub levels, and the Fountain of Youth. I'm itching to get into it, but want to get some things done first that I'm forcing myself to do now.

Where things are heading

I need to actually launch this site. I've framed it out - very minimal, essentially static without using any frameworks or a CMS. This may change in the future though. I recently purchased a VPS to run it on and migrated my personal site there - no more shared hosting for me!

I'd like to post a "run" before launching as well just so I can finish out framing that section and sort out some of the tech. At this point, I'm thinking of just doing a direct recording from DOSBox and hosting the video on this site. Thankfully it can do that natively. I may or may not involve a timer like LiveSplit, although at this point I expect that to come later. As an aside, I'm also wondering if I can get it set up to automatically do splits - which looks a little involved and I assume doubly so with DOSBox acting as an extra abstraction layer. Anyway, TBD.

At some point, I would look to hosting stuff on YouTube and having a proper overlay with the timer and etc. Dancing around scaling while keeping the video looking good is also a consideration. Right now all of that is feeling like a chore and I just want to put some runs in, so I'll probably half-ass that aspect of it to start. Maybe I'll have more energy to do it when I feel like I need a break from doing runs. There's also the possibility that I just drop this half-baked idea at some point and tear the site down or let it go stale.

Finally, the brain dump

I just want to get down some random thoughts before moving on. First, from a meta perspective:

On content and hosting:

On obsession:

Isn't this supposed to be about a speedrunning game? Yes, fine. Here are some arbitrary points on that which will likely not mean much to anyone but myself:

Anyway, you're still here? Kudos! Well I'm out, I'm going to put in some runs or maybe post some more.