A Successful First Stream
Likely a quick post. I streamed yesterday, had a good time, and on my final run, beat my previous record. Can't really ask more than that. I've since cut out that portion of the VOD and put it up on YouTube for the world to marvel at.
Some random thoughts about the process:
- The stream length (2h) felt exactly right, I was starting to run out of steam towards the end. I will do the same thing next Tuesday at 8pm ET.
- I didn't feel I was ever at a loss for things to say, just narrate, throw in some anecdotes, engage when there are opportunities, etc.
- I'm slightly torn on next week's stream - whether I should go full Drakklor, or split with another game (Xargon?) to change it up. If I'm continuing with Drakklor I'm going to have to pivot to building the 100% run I've been talking about doing.
- I think I can bump up the volume of the background music slightly. No other major production value concerns at this point.
- There's a whole world of people trying to hustle on and around the Twitch Platform. I mean like, people have bots actively scraping Twitter and new streams and etc. so they can directly or indirectly self-promote services ranging from illegitimate (selling viewers) to legitimate (branding/overlay/video editing/etc. services). I've gotten a couple viewers and/or external contacts along those lines.
- I'm grateful for those who tuned in and engaged, and I hope I've converted a soul or two into trying out the game.